Agape Fellowship exists for the glory of God. We pursue the glory of God by pursuing Christlikeness in all of life, seeking to make disciples of all nations, and working to transform our community – all by the power of God’s Word.
“This is a body of believers seeking to know God more deeply. Broken people serving a perfect, gracious God. Theologically minded yet having true love for one another in a spirit of Christian service. ” ~ Scott S.
What is “Agape”? Agape is a Greek word for love. The New Testament was written in Greek and when God moved men to write the pages of scripture, He chose the word “agape” to describe His love for us. Scripture says that “For God so loved (agape) the world that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16) Why did God send Jesus into the world? Because He loved us. How do you know God loves you? Because “God shows His love (agape) for us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8) Jesus’ voluntary sacrifice of Himself on the cross is the ultimate demonstration of God’s infinite love for His children. God’s amazing love continues to work, helping us to love one another; “we love (agape) because He first loved (agape) us.” (1 John 4:19) And this is what we, at Agape Fellowship, strive to be. We are amazed at God’s infinite love for us and we seek to love one another as we have been loved.
Agape Fellowship meets for Worship Service every Sunday at 11am. Potluck lunch every Sunday after church.